Vue.js: 1.0.0-alpha.5 Release

Release date:
September 19, 2015
Previous version:
1.0.0-alpha.4 (released September 11, 2015)
906 Diff Delta
1 total committer
Data confidence:

Top Contributors in 1.0.0-alpha.5


Directory Browser for 1.0.0-alpha.5

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Release Notes Published

Alpha versions are pre-releases and the API may change at any time. By using the alpha releases you are responsible for any risk involved. If you have an in-production 0.12 app, it's recommended to wait until the stable 1.0 migration release before upgrading.

Changes from 1.0.0-alpha.4


For a full reference of the latest syntax, see #1325 - bind-attr is now replaced by v-bind:attr, with :attr as shorthand; - on-event is now replaced by v-on:event, with @event as shorthand; Also, key filter is now denoted with . as a modifier: @keyup.esc="handleEsc". - Literal directive: v-dir#="xxx" is now replaced by v-dir.literal="xxx". - Prop binding types: - :prop@="twoWay" is now replaced by :prop.sync="twoWay" - :prop*="oneTime" is now replaced by :prop.once="oneTime" - Child component and element refs: - $.child is now replaced by v-ref:child. vm.$ is also renamed to vm.$refs. - $$.node is now replaced by v-el:node. vm.$$ is also renamed to vm.$els.


  • v-on now also works for custom events when used on a child component.


  • all fixes in 0.12.15.