AI-powered next-gen code review

Best GitHub Alternative Pull Request Review Tool

A lot has changed since GitHub's pull request review tool was first introduced. See what you're missing.

Security-first, GDPR-compliant

Trusted by banks and healthcare

🔭 Read less code, better

Built by and used daily by a team of developers that are intimately familiar with how quickly minutes bleed into hours when reviewing code.

Attention to the code changes that really matter

Every diff tool since the beginning of diff tools has cataloged code changes as either "addition" or "deletion."

GitClear digs deeper. It recognizes the broader set of changes that real developers do:

End result? 30% less code to review. Instead of scrutinizing moved code as if it were newly added and deleted, code reviewers can train their limited time on the most significant changed lines.

Github. Attention consumed equally by moved and changed lines
GitClear. Moved lines de-emphasized, 30% less code to review

AI summaries and completions

Get the gist for what changed in a file before diving into it. Skip files that don't need your attention.

Accelerate commenting with history-aware completions that remove redundant explanations to developers who habitually struggle in a particular area.

Swap between viewing changes since last review (default), and all changes in the PR

Review the new ✨

Traditional PR review tools show the full changeset for each file regardless of what you've reviewed before. GitClear remembers what changes you have previously seen, and by default, only presents the changes to each file since you last saw it.

Video Tours

Watch a walkthrough of pull request features and see the advantages of reviewing code on GitClear.

In these videos you'll see...

  • Specific example diffs where GitClear reduces code to review vs. GitHub/Bitbucket
  • Automatic checks for whether an industry-standard effort was spent on test code
  • Getting explanation for any changed line
  • How Google Critique inspired a list of PRs with clearly defined "Next Action"
  • Code quality checks: duplicated blocks, tightly-coupled code, over-sized PRs
Picture of research books

GitClear 2024 Pull Request Research

We tasked 50 developers with reviewing a sample PR across various git providers. Then we processed 12,000 pull requests to confirm an unusual result.

Read the report

Lift beyond a better diff

Prevent tech debt before it begins
Set targets for how much work should be spent toward contributing tests and documentation for the changes in a PR. Authors can see how their PRs stack up to the team's goals, the team's past performance, and the performance of similar PRs in the industry.
Proven to reduce review time
In empirical studies where developers reviewed the same pull requests on GitHub and GitClear, the average developer spent 29% less time reviewing code, without a reduction in identified problems.
Never wonder who's next
Like Critique, GitClear highlights the next action that needs to happen to get a pull request across the finish line. Also like Critique, GitClear categorizes the size of the PR to help reviewers pick the right PR for their circumstances.
Pinpoint change origins
When a pull request spans more than a few commits, it can be hard to tell where a change originated. GitClear's line explanations show the commit that introduced a line, and the commit that last touched it.
Problem detection
The life of a pull request doesn't end upon merge. GitClear follows the meaningful changes that are made to a pull request in the immediate aftermath of its merge. Teams that follow this metric can reduce the prevalence of follow-on bugs and regressions.
Suggested comments
Coming soon: When you click to leave a comment, GitClear will suggest comment content based on the content of the line and the history between the reviewer and the author. This feature reduces time spent typing, and helps authors recognize patterns in feedback.

Start a free trial and see for yourself

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Reinforced privacy and proven security

View GitClear's security policy
Certified March 2025
Certified May 2024
2024 penetration tested

Trusted by health care providers, banks, and thousands of companies across industries

Zoom out for the big picture

Easily browse all activity

See what tickets and unplanned work is underway across all repos over the past week.

See the impact of AI

How is the rate of copy/paste code changing? Is the team still moving and refactoring code at the rate they did before adopting AI?

Help struggling developers sooner

Set up notifications when developers fall below their historical norms. Identify when newly onboarded developers are falling behind the norms for ramp-up time.

Track Google DORA stats

All the classic stats, like Cycle Time, Release Rate, Time to Repair, and the rest are available on our free plan.

Pinpoint meaningful tech debt

A directory browser that focuses on the tech debt that matters -- that which resides in the files being actively edited.

Set code quality goals

Incentivize writing tests, maintaining documentation, and other best practices supported by research.

Test your own pull request in minutes with a free trial

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Compared to Google Critique

Google Critique is a code review tool that is built into Google's internal code review system. GitClear is a standalone code review tool that can be used with any git provider.

GitClear has incorporated several features from Critique into its design:

  • List of pull requests pending review. Each pull request has a column for "Status," "Last action," "Reviewers," "Size" and "Description."
  • Incremental changes. Both tools track what files have been reviewed, and when they were reviewed. When the reviewer returns after subsequent changes, the tool shows only the new changes (unless you request to see already reviewed).
  • Code quality goals. Both tools allow you to set goals for how much work should be spent on contributing tests and documentation.

GitClear has also added features that Critique does not (yet) have:

  • AI summaries and completions. GitClear provides a summary of what changed in a file before diving into it, and accelerates commenting with history-aware completions.
  • Richer diff lexicon. Changes aren't all about "addition" and "deletion." GitClear recognizes "move," "update," "copy/paste," and "find/replace," and de-emphasizes moved lines and whitespace changes.