Vue.js: 0.12.2 Release

Release date:
June 25, 2015
Previous version:
0.12.1 (released June 16, 2015)
2,954 Diff Delta
2 total committers
Data confidence:

Top Contributors in 0.12.2


Directory Browser for 0.12.2

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Release Notes Published

Breaking Changes

  • replace option now defaults to true. When you use a component in a parent template, the mount-point element will by default be replaced. This has a few implications:
    1. What you write in the component's template will be what gets eventually rendered.
    2. You should in most cases include a component's root element in its template. If the template has more than one top-level elements, or only contains text, it becomes a fragment instance.
    3. Remember the scoping rules still applies: attributes & directives on the mount-point element are compiled in parent scope; those on the root element inside the component's template are compiled in child scope.

If you prefer replace: false, or have trouble migrating to this behavior, you can modify the global default by setting Vue.options.replace = false.


  • Props initialization has been prioritized; their initial values are now accesible in the created() hook and the data() function.
  • wait-for component param can now be used on static components too. Update docs
  • Partials are back, but with a new syntax that is more inline with the custom-element style API:
  <!-- static partial -->
  <partial name="my-partial"></partial>

  <!-- dynamic partial -->
  <partial name="{{partialId}}"></partial>
  • The restriction that v-component can only be used on table elements has been relaxed. It is still recommended to use custom-element syntax at all times - the v-component syntax should only be used in cases where the semantics demand it, e.g. on table/SVG elements, or a generic component that needs to be applied to different element types.


  • Component that only contains <content></content> can now be rendered correctly.
  • props with data- prefix are now stripped and initialized correctly.
  • #948 Fix repeat instances incorrectly cahced using parent $key
  • #949 Fix incorrectly treating inline-template components that only contain one element as fragment instances.
  • #953 Fix currency filter floating point precision.
  • #961 Fix incorrectly treating prop paths that contain numbers as literal values