Vue.js: 0.12.0-beta4 Release

Release date:
May 26, 2015
Previous version:
0.12.0-beta3 (released May 22, 2015)
1,366 Diff Delta
2 total committers
Data confidence:

Top Contributors in 0.12.0-beta4


Directory Browser for 0.12.0-beta4

We haven't yet finished calculating and confirming the files and directories changed in this release. Please check back soon.

Release Notes Published

Breaking Change from 0.12.0-beta3

  • Filter argument syntax has been reworked. Now non-quoted arguments are treated as dynamic paths (and the argument will be auto-retrieved from the vm when the filter function is called); only arguments enclosed in quotes are passed in as plain strings.


  {{ msg | filter argA 'argB' }}

In the filter function, the first argument will be the value of vm.argA, and the second argument will be a plain string "argB".

For the reasoning behind it, see this comment.


  • options param for v-model now also respects disabled: true in the options array. (via #861 by @holic)
  • v-transition now adds a .v-transition class at all times; in the case of v-transition="fade", the added class will be .fade-transition. This removes the need to manually add an additional class just to give the element transition property.
  • Internally Vue now uses empty text nodes instead of comment nodes as DOM-manipulation anchors. This results in much cleaner HTML output. When in debug mode, comment nodes will still be used to help better analyze the structure of the rendered DOM.