Desktop: v3.5.9-beta01 Release

Release date:
November 20, 2020
Previous version:
v3.5.6 (released November 5, 2020)
925 Diff Delta
1 total committer
Data confidence:

Top Contributors in v3.5.9-beta01


Directory Browser for v3.5.9-beta01

We haven't yet finished calculating and confirming the files and directories changed in this release. Please check back soon.

Release Notes Published


  • Brings the latest improvements and fixes from our multi-platform logic core (SNJS).
  • Fixed: moving the internal keychain to the system keychain wasn't being done as soon as possible.
  • Fixed: when creating a new note while a tag was selected and the default editor was set to something other than the plain editor, an invisble blank note with no tag would get created.
  • Fixed: in some cases the note editing panel would not load.

Going back to a stable version

To go back to a stable version, make sure to sign out of the beta app first.