Ef Designer: v3.0.0.preview1 Release

Release date:
November 29, 2020
Previous version:
v3.0 (released November 30, 2020)
6,075 Diff Delta
1 total committer
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Top Contributors in v3.0.0.preview1


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Release Notes Published

3.0.preview1 - New support EFCore5.X (available when selecting EFCore output with version >= 5) - Added System.Net.IPAddress and System.Net.NetworkInformation.PhysicalAddress to the list of available property types - Added ability to specify both default database collation and a collation override at the property level - Many-to-many bidirectional associations are now allowed - Any property type can now be used as an identity - Can now customize backing field names for non-AutoProperty properties - Properties with backing fields (i.e., non-AutoProperty properties) can now choose how EF will read/write those values (see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/ef/core/modeling/backing-field). - Added support for keyless entity types created by defining queries - Added support for keyless entity types coming from database views - Enhancements and Fixes - Fixed inability to paste enumerations using diagram copy/paste - Changing an identity property's type now changes the type of any defined foreign-key properties pointing to that identity property - Title text color didn't always change when class/enum fill color changed in the diagram - Selecting tabs or spaces for indentation in generated code has been moved to a property on the designer surface. - Added ModelRoot.IsEFCore5Plus convenience property. It can be used in custom T4 edits - Added ability to globally add and remove exposed foreign key properties to all modeled entities (via menu command) (see https://github.com/msawczyn/EFDesigner/issues/223) - Added ability to choose to place newly imported model elements on the diagram where they were dropped. Caution: this can be EXTREMELY slow for large imports. (see https://github.com/msawczyn/EFDesigner/issues/225) - Possibly breaking changes - T4 template structure has been changed drastically to simplify managing code generation for the various EF versions. If customized T4 templates have been added to a project, they'll still work, but enhancements will continue to be made only to the new, more object-oriented, T4 structure. Updating the the model's .tt file to use the new template structure is quite simple; details will be in the documentation at https://msawczyn.github.io/EFDesigner/Customizing.html - Unfinished - Regression testing for EF6, EFCore2 and EFCore3 code generation - Regression testing for importing compiled assemblies - Docs