Eslint Plugin React: v7.36.0 Release

Release date:
September 12, 2024
Previous version:
v7.35.2 (released September 3, 2024)
0 Diff Delta
0 total committers
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Release Notes Published


  • [no-string-refs]: allow this.refs in > 18.3.0 (#3807 @henryqdineen)
  • [jsx-no-literals] Add elementOverrides option and the ability to ignore this rule on specific elements (#3812 @Pearce-Ropion)
  • [forward-ref-uses-ref]: add rule for checking ref parameter is added ([#3667][] @NotWoods)


  • [function-component-definition], [boolean-prop-naming], [jsx-first-prop-new-line], [jsx-props-no-multi-spaces], propTypes: use type args (#3629 @HenryBrown0)
  • JSX pragma: fail gracefully (#3632 @ljharb)
  • [jsx-props-no-spreading]: add explicitSpread option to schema (#3799 @ljharb)


  • [Tests] add @typescript-eslint/parser v6 (#3629 @HenryBrown0)
  • [Tests]Β add @typescript-eslint/parser v7 and v8 (#3629 @hampustagerud)
  • [Docs] [no-danger]: update broken link (#3817 @lucasrmendonca)
  • [types] add jsdoc type annotations (#3731 @y-hsgw)
  • [Tests] button-has-type: add test case with spread (#3731 @y-hsgw)