Eslint Plugin Import: v1.0.4 Release

Release date:
March 11, 2016
Previous version:
v1.0.3 (released February 26, 2016)
1,045 Diff Delta
2 total committers
Data confidence:

14 Commits in this Release

Ordered by the degree to which they evolved the repo in this version.

Top Contributors in v1.0.4


Directory Browser for v1.0.4

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Release Notes Published


fix #192

1.0.3: no-deprecated follows deep namespaces (#191)

1.0.4: don't crash on self references (#210) correct cache behavior in eslint_d for deep namespaces (#200) respect hoisting for deep namespaces (namespace/no-deprecated) (#211)

namespace no longer flags modules with only a default export as having no names. (ns.default is valid ES6)