React Native: v0.59.10 Release

Release date:
July 1, 2019
Previous version:
v0.59.9 (released June 5, 2019)
0 Diff Delta
1 total committer
Data confidence:

Top Contributors in v0.59.10


Directory Browser for v0.59.10

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Release Notes Published

This is likely the last patch release for version 59 of React Native for the foreseeable future: it contains an important Android side update for the JavaScript Core, to prevent a great number of crashes mostly related to Samsung devices - thanks to @kudo for his work on fixing this!

Thanks everyone who participated in the discussion.

And we hope you are getting ready for 0.60.0, as it's coming soon and it will be packed with exciting new features and improvements πŸš€

You can find the whole changelog history over at react-native-releases.