Grimoirelab: 1.9.0-rc.1 Release

Release date:
December 11, 2024
Previous version:
1.8.0 (released November 13, 2024)
180 Diff Delta
1 total committer
Data confidence:

Top Contributors in 1.9.0-rc.1


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Release Notes Published

GrimoireLab 1.9.0-rc.1

The following list describes the changes by component:

## grimoirelab-toolkit 1.0.8-rc.1 - (2024-12-11)

  • Update Poetry's package dependencies

    kidash 1.0.9-rc.1 - (2024-12-11)

  • Update Poetry's package dependencies

    sortinghat 1.6.0-rc.1 - (2024-12-11)

New features:

  • Skip recommendations (#937)\ Users can now skip a recommendation and review the next one if they are unsure of whether to apply it or dismiss it.
  • Sort organizations by number of enrollments (#940)\ Organizations are now sorted by the number of enrollments they have by default. Clicking on a column header sorts the table results by that field.

## cereslib 1.0.8-rc.1 - (2024-12-11)

  • Update Poetry's package dependencies

perceval 1.1.0-rc.1 - (2024-12-11)

Bug fixes:

  • Git stats not assigned with their actions\ Git stats were not assigned to their actions in a commit for filenames that contain whitespaces. Instead, an empty stat was created like in a merge commit, where actions normally don't take place.

Performance improvements:

  • Git sync improved for --latest-items flag\ The speed updating a git repository when --lates-items is set was very poor. The main problem was when the references were updated to the new hashes. All the active refs on the repository were modified, even when they were up-to-date. Now, only references updated on the remote repository are modified on the local one. Repositories are synched 2 times faster than before.

## perceval-mozilla 1.0.10-rc.1 - (2024-12-11)

  • Update Poetry's package dependencies

    perceval-opnfv 1.0.10-rc.1 - (2024-12-11)

  • Update Poetry's package dependencies

    perceval-puppet 1.0.10-rc.1 - (2024-12-11)

  • Update Poetry's package dependencies

    perceval-weblate 1.0.10-rc.1 - (2024-12-11)

  • Update Poetry's package dependencies

    graal 1.1.1-rc.1 - (2024-12-11)

  • Update Poetry's package dependencies

    grimoire-elk 1.3.2-rc.1 - (2024-12-11)

  • Update Poetry's package dependencies

    sirmordred 1.1.4-rc.1 - (2024-12-11)

  • Update Poetry's package dependencies