Rasa: 3.5.0 Release

Release date:
March 22, 2023
Previous version:
3.5.0.dev20230324 (released March 23, 2023)
16 Diff Delta
1 total committer
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Release Notes Published

Rasa 3.5.0 (2023-03-21)


  • #12053: Add a new required key (assistant_id) to config.yml to uniquely identify assistants in deployment. The assistant identifier is extracted from the model metadata and added to the metadata of all dialogue events. Re-training will be required to include the assistant id in the event metadata.

If the assistant identifier is missing from the config.yml or the default identifier value is not replaced, a random identifier is generated during each training.

An assistant running without an identifier will issue a warning that dialogue events without identifier metadata will be streamed to the event broker.


  • #11998: Add capability to send compressed body in HTTP request to action server. Use COMPRESS_ACTION_SERVER_REQUEST=True to turn the feature on.


  • #12136: Address potentially missing events with Pika consumer due to weak references on asynchronous tasks, as specifcied in Python official documentation.
  • #12155: Sets a global seed for numpy, TensorFlow, keras, Python and CuDNN, to ensure consistent random number generation.

Improved Documentation

  • #11893: Clarify in the docs, how rules are designed and how to use this behaviour to abort a rule

Miscellaneous internal changes