Rasa: 3.1.0 Release

Release date:
March 28, 2022
Previous version:
3.0.13 (released August 31, 2022)
0 Diff Delta
0 total committers
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Release Notes Published

  • #10203: Add configuration options (via env variables) for library logging.
  • #10473: Support other recipe types.

This pull request also adds support for graph recipes, see details at https://rasa.com/docs/rasa/model-configuration and check Graph Recipe page.

Graph recipe is a raw format for specifying executed graph directly. This is useful if you need a more powerful way to specify your model creation. - #10545: Added optional ssl_keyfile, ssl_certfile, and ssl_ca_certs parameters to the Redis tracker store. - #10650: Added LogisticRegressionClassifier to the NLU classifiers.

This model is lightweight and might help in early prototyping. The training times typically decrease substantially, but the accuracy might be a bit lower too. - #8762: Added support for Python 3.9.


  • #10378: Bump TensorFlow version to 2.7.

:::caution We can't guarantee the exact same output and hence model performance if your configuration uses LanguageModelFeaturizer. This applies to the case where the model is re-trained with the new rasa open source version without changing the configuration, random seeds, and data as well as to the case where a model trained with a previous version of rasa open source is loaded with this new version for inference.

We suggest training a new model if you are upgrading to this version of Rasa Open Source. - #10444: Make rasa data validate check for duplicated intents, forms, responses and slots when using domains split between multiple files. - #10899: Add an influence_conversation flag to entites to provide a shorthand for ignoring an entity for all intents. - #9789: Add --request-timeout command line argument to rasa shell, allowing users to configure the time a request can take before it's terminated.


  • #10376: Validate regular expressions in nlu training data configuration.
  • #10409: Unset the default values for num_threads and finetuning_epoch_fraction to None in order to fix cases when CLI defaults override the data from config.
  • #10447: Update rasa data validate to not fail when active_loop is null
  • #10570: Fixes Domain loading when domain config uses multiple yml files.

Previously not all configures attributes were necessarily known when merging Domains, and in the case of entities were not being properly assigned to intents. - #10606: Fix max_history truncation in AugmentedMemoizationPolicy to preserve the most recent UserUttered event. Previously, AugmentedMemoizationPolicy failed to predict next action after long sequences of actions (longer than max_history) because the policy did not have access to the most recent user message. - #10634: Add RASA_ENVIRONMENT header in Kafka only if the environmental variable is set. - #10767: Merge domain entities as lists of dicts, not lists of lists to support entity roles and groups across multiple domains. - #9351: Add an option to specify --domain for rasa test nlu CLI command.

Improved Documentation

  • #10553: Fixed an over-indent in the Tokenizers section of the Components page of the docs.

Miscellaneous internal changes