Rasa: 2.8.24 Release

Release date:
February 11, 2022
Previous version:
2.8.23 (released February 1, 2022)
429 Diff Delta
2 total committers
Data confidence:

Top Contributors in 2.8.24


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Release Notes Published

  • #10394: Allow single tokens in rasa end-to-end test files to be annotated with multiple entities.

Some entity extractors (s.a. RegexEntityExtractor) can generate multiple entities from a single expression. Before this change, rasa test would fail in this case, because test stories could not be annotated correctly. New annotation option is
YAML stories: - story: Some story steps: - user: | cancel my [iphone][{"entity":"iphone", "value":"iphone"},{"entity":"smartphone", "value":"true"}{"entity":"mobile_service", "value":"true"}] intent: cancel_contract