Rasa: 2.8.10 Release

Release date:
October 15, 2021
Previous version:
2.8.9 (released October 8, 2021)
232 Diff Delta
2 total committers
Data confidence:

Top Contributors in 2.8.10


Directory Browser for 2.8.10

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Release Notes Published

  • #5657: Add List handling in the send_custom_json method on channels/facebook.py. Bellow are some examples that could cause en error before.

Example 1: when the whole json is a List [ { "blocks": { "type": "progression_bar", "text": {"text": "progression 1", "level": "1"}, } }, {"sender": {"id": "example_id"}}, ]

Example 2: instead of being a Dict, blocks is a List when there are 2 type keys under it { "blocks": [ {"type": "title", "text": {"text": "Conversation progress"}}, { "type": "progression_bar", "text": {"text": "Look how far we are...", "level": "1"}, }, ] } - #7676: Fixed bug when using wit.ai training data to train. Training failed with an error similarly to this:

    File "./venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/rasa/nlu/classifiers/diet_classifier.py", line 803, in train
    File "./venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/rasa/nlu/extractors/extractor.py", line 418, in check_correct_entity_annotations
      entities_repr = [
    File "./venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/rasa/nlu/extractors/extractor.py", line 422, in <listcomp>
  KeyError: 'value'
  • #9851: Fix CVE-2021-41127