Rasa: 2.1.3 Release

Release date:
December 4, 2020
Previous version:
2.1.2 (released November 30, 2020)
0 Diff Delta
0 total committers
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Release Notes Published


  • #7426: Removed multidict from the project dependencies. multidict continues to be a second order dependency of Rasa Open Source but will be determined by the dependencies which use it instead of by Rasa Open Source directly.

This resolves issues like the following:

  sanic 20.9.1 has requirement multidict==5.0.0, but you'll have multidict 4.6.0 which is incompatible.


  • #7316: SingleStateFeaturizer checks whether it was trained with RegexInterpreter as nlu interpreter. If that is the case, RegexInterpreter is used during prediction.
  • #7390: Make sure the responses are synced between NLU training data and the Domain even if there're no retrieval intents in the NLU training data.
  • #7417: Categorical slots will have a default value set when just updating nlg data in the domain.

Previously this resulted in InvalidDomain being thrown. - #7418: - Preserve domain slot ordering while dumping it back to the file. - Preserve multiline text examples of responses defined in domain and NLU training data.