React Native Windows: react-native-windows_v0.74.8 Release

Release date:
June 10, 2024
Previous version:
react-native-windows_v0.74.7 (released May 28, 2024)
587 Diff Delta
2 total committers
Data confidence:

Top Contributors in react-native-windows_v0.74.8


Directory Browser for react-native-windows_v0.74.8

All files are compared to previous version, react-native-windows_v0.74.7. Click here to browse diffs between other versions.

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Release Notes Published

This is patch release of react-native-windows, fixing bugs or adding non-breaking enhancements. To see a summary of changes in this major release, see release notes for React Native Windows 0.74.0.

New changes

  • 1ed0cd45 [Fabric] Touch pointer moved was being reported to richedit as a pointerup ([email protected])
  • 1ed0cd45 Add ability to override the ViewStyle of the root View component ([email protected])
  • 1ed0cd45 Rename CompositionRootView to ReactNativeIsland ([email protected])
  • 72a42e8a [Fabric] Support blob: images, and provide better image.onError callbacks ([email protected])
  • 4c3a3553 AsynchronousEventBeat can get locked where it will not beat anymore ([email protected])