React Native Windows: react-native-windows_v0.67.0 Release

Release date:
January 24, 2022
Previous version:
react-native-windows_v0.67.0-preview.7 (released January 17, 2022)
456 Diff Delta
3 total committers
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Top Contributors in react-native-windows_v0.67.0


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Release Notes Published

How to upgrade

You can view the changes made to the default new React Native Windows applications for C++ and C# using React Native Upgrade Helper. See this document for more details.

What's New

  • View manager pointer hooks: View managers can now implement IViewManagerWithPointerEvents to customize handling of pointer events that would normally be propagated to React as touch events.

  • Accessible images: Images with the accessible prop set will now show up to screen readers, including support for accessibilityLabel.

  • Removal of temp certificates We previously included a temporary AppX signing certificate when creating a new project. You no longer need to check in a certificate, and only need to use one when publishing your application. See this document for details on how to use a certificate when publishing your app.

  • WinUI 2.7: We've changed the default version of WinUI from WinUI 2.6 to WinUI 2.7.

  • RNW version queries: Libraries targetting multiple versions of react-native-windows can now specialize behavior dependent on the version of RNW the library is compiled with. RNW_AT_LEAST and RNW_LESS_THAN macros are exposed to C++ community modules targeting RNW 0.67+.

  • Bug-fixes and improvements: We've made many more fixes across the platform. Expect less crashes, more correct behavior, and quality of life improvements for developers.

Breaking Changes

  • AppX deployment: UWP applications without certificates need to be deployed using loose file registration. This is handled for you if you use Visual studio, or run-windows, but may require changes if you are using custom logic for deployment.