React Native Windows: react-native-windows_v0.63.0 Release

Release date:
August 31, 2020
Previous version:
react-native-windows_v0.63.0-preview.5 (released August 28, 2020)
108 Diff Delta
3 total committers
Data confidence:

Top Contributors in react-native-windows_v0.63.0


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Release Notes Published

This is the first stable release of React Native for Windows targetting React Native 0.63. See notes for newer releases of react-native-windows 0.63 here.

What’s New

  • Autolinking for supported community modules
  • Features from React Native 0.63 like LogBox
  • ReactNotificationService to allow inter-native-module communication
  • Many improvements for C# native modules (Task<T> support, Roslyn based code-generation)
  • Support for tintColor and blurRadius Image properties
  • Many other bug-fixes, additions, and reliability improvements


  • The acceptsKeyboardFocus property has been deprecated in favor of the standard focusable property

Breaking Changes

  • You will need to generate a new project using react-native-windows-init when upgrading from earlier versions of react-native-windows
  • Layout behavior has changed to better match Android/iOS. This can be configured using QuirkSettings (see
  • To match other platforms, borders will now be drawn as black by default instead of transparent
  • Native modules will now run on the same thread as the JavaScript engine. Blocking native module operations may impact JavaScript responsiveness.

Experimental (Not ready for production use)

  • Support for WinUI3
  • Binary distribution of Microsoft.ReactNative