React Native Windows: react-native-windows_v0.62.0 Release

Release date:
June 23, 2020
Previous version:
react-native-windows_v0.62.0-preview.17 (released June 19, 2020)
49 Diff Delta
2 total committers
Data confidence:

Top Contributors in react-native-windows_v0.62.0


Directory Browser for react-native-windows_v0.62.0

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Release Notes Published

What's New

  • New Features from React Native 0.62, like Appearance and useColorScheme() hooks
  • Visual Studio V142 build tools are now used
  • Better RTL support
  • New native module APIs (PropertyBag, XamlUIService, REACT_INIT, and REACT_FUNCTION)
  • Improved diagnostics in command line tools
  • Initial ARM64 support
  • Better support for XAML Islands
  • Bug fixes and reliability improvements

Breaking Changes

  1. The deprecated "ReactUwp" framework is no longer supported
  2. You will need to update your generated project files targeting 0.61 (e.g. vcxproj, metro config, and packages.config)
  3. Some mechanical changes were made to C++ ViewManager Command APIs
  4. The minimum supported OS is now RS3